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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bubble Brigade

I have an orange tabby here in LA. Her name is bubbles. She has many different nic-names we have come up with over the years and some have stories to go with them. Orange rocket came from when she was a baby tearing around the house in Maryland and all you would see of her was an orange streak. Psycho Mow from her random playful attacks on everyone.  Bubs, Bubble Butt, Fluff Butt, Fuzz Muffin, Bubble and so on. She's a lovely cat who is VERY photogenic however doesn't always love the camera.
(We all have our moments) 
I got her when she was not even ready to be separated from her mother out of a box of kittens someone down the street found under their storage shed. They didn't want the mother raising them in their yard so they boxed up the litter and were sending them to a shelter. This made me super angry. It was a hard time for me. I was 13 goth and rebellious a major pain in the butt. My mother was in hospital for a broken back. And I was stuck at my grandfathers house in Maryland. I decided I was going to take one of the kittens home. There were 3 kittens in the box that I really loved. 1 Male orange tabby who was almost exactly the same as bubbles only with different eyes. 1 grey kitten I have always wanted a grey cat but I was thinking about my mom and decided since I knew her dream was an orange female tabby to take that one. 
I grabbed my hoodie and held the squiggling ball in my huge middle pocket all the way up the elevator in the hospital and placed the tiny kitten on my moms belly. "Oh no" she said as she petted the little kitten who looked up at her and meowed. She was in love and everyone was hooked. The little kitten grew quickly to become the largest cat I have ever owned. 
A few years later my grandfather died and it was time to move things out of the house. This included Bubbles. We packed her into a cage and started the car. She RIPPED the door off the cage and curled up next to me and for the next 3000 miles gave us lots of laughs and stories to tell. We were pulled over somewhere in the middle of the country for speeding. The cop walked up and started laughing. He said he was going to ask dad if he knew how fast he was going but bubbles had sprawled out on the shelf under the display. So the cop petted bubbles who was happy with being fussed over and let us go
When we got her home she and our other cats Cherry and Chessie did not really like the idea to much. But Chessie was very old and dying and soon passed away leaving Cherry and Bubbles to work things out. They did and now they have places they hang out and there are no more cat wars in the middle of the night. Cherry is very old now... Almost 20 so she has no time to deal with a kittens shenanigans. More about her another time. Here are some recent photographs of Bubbles for you all.

With love from the Orange Rocket...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Back in LA

I've been back in the USA for some time now.
I haven't felt motivated to do a whole lot the last few days. I really miss my little family back in New Zealand. Malcolm and my baby rats are all alone now and have no one to spoil them. I feel bad having to be on the other side of the world from the 2 little balls of fuzzy love I had become so attached to. My little star runs for my voice desperately when she hears me on skype... It's enough to break my heart seeing my baby trying so hard to reach me and knowing I can't hold her anymore. 
It is true that I do have my fair share of babies here in LA. We have a large dog, two cats and a bunny. I also have an extended family of fuzz-balls that belong to my friends. Luna and Puck my friends little Dachshund puppies and her larger dog Ahanu. And a giant real life Garfield belonging to one of my childhood friends. All of whom I love like they were mine.  It's 7 am here at the moment and I have no clue what on earth I'm doing still awake.
The day after I got home the above mentioned friends had a welcome home party for me and we had mac and cheese and a huge cake which I will admit did help with the sadness quite a bit. When I got home however my 72 year old mother was laying on the floor in front of the front door having fallen. I have no clue what I would have done without my friend there. My dad and I could have never gotten her up safely without him. She smacked her head on the fridge and came down pretty hard on her tail-bone. She's in a lot of pain (well more so then usual) and is having a bit of trouble walking now.  
It's funny now that I look back on just how many times this same friend has come to save the day in an emergency. He drove me to the ER about 3 times? He came to visit me when I was stuck in a bed with a morphine drip after my surgery 4 years ago now.  O_O omg it's been 4 years WTH?!... Uh anyway... I just have no clue how I could have managed without his help the last few years.
My Dad came from Maryland to pet-sit and visit me when I got home which was also nice as I don't see him much these days.

Hopefully I will get to updating this more with photos of things I cook here. I would like to start cooking more often but that means we need to get food for me to cook with. ASAP I will start cooking and updating way more often perhaps with new photos of random stuff here and there.:D
For now I leave you with this:
End worlds longest blog post...

Thanks for reading...

Again it's like 7:00am I'm sure I made spelling mistakes and typos but I'm to sleepy to be able to tell.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back in Takapuna.

I really had fun on our trip here last time the ocean was magical and everything was just right.
This time it's changed a bit... There was a storm here and so you can't see the ocean floor anymore and there so so much decaying shellfish and seaweed on the beach that it smells really bad. It's lovely to look at from the footpath. The water was very warm today it was so hot I decided that I HAD to do something. If I can figure out how perhaps we will go down into Auckland and catch a whale watching trip or something of the sort today. 