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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mini party burgers! (Recipe & How To)

Sorry I did not post yesterday I had planned to post pumpkin pie photos but it got eaten too fast... 
I hope this makes up for it.

Pretty photo>>
<< More true to colour
This is what we are going to make today.
It's my mini burgers with special onion sauce.
You can always make them big burgers if you wanted to.

If you want to make these here is what you need other then ground beef.

If you have onion powder please use that instead of onion salt. 
Also if you do not have this green onion dip I will explain how to make it at home below.
2-3 tablespoons of beef stock powder
1 teaspoon each of garlic and onion powder
1 whole container of the green onion dip
Measurements are for one pound of meat, if you want to make more you can double this.

Take your stock, garlic, and onion powders and place them in a mixing bowl with your raw meat. Knead the spices into the meat until well mixed, make into little balls then flatten to make a 2 1/2 to 3 inch patty about 1/4 of an inch thick. Set them aside.
Now make your sauce. I will explain 2 ways of doing this one with the green onion dip and one without.
1.If you do not have green onion sour cream based dip where you are please buy a thing of plain sour cream and one small onion (of any kind) dice the onion fine and place it into the dip. If you are not a fan of that much onion please feel free to only use half or none of the onion. Also add a teaspoon of onion powder to the sour cream and stir well. At this point you will need the ketchup. how much you add is up to your taste. Add about a tablespoon at a time until you feel the mix has enough. 
2. If you do have sour cream based green onion dip just add the ketchup and garlic power to that mix and you are done.

Let's cook the burgers now!
Before you start this get a large baking sheet lined with paper towels to soak the grease. Place the cooked burgers on this and let rest before serving.
Please make sure you are using a non stick pan this will make your life much easier!
Set your burner to half way and put some vegetable oil in your pan. Once that is hot start adding your burgers into the non stick pan in batches. Leave them be for a 2-3 minutes until you can see the browning coming up the sides of the meat. Once you see this flip them over and cook for about the same on the other side until they "spring" back when you poke them with your spatula. They should come out looking perfect and not burnt!
Please do not be tempted to turn the heat way up and cook them faster all that will get you is a burned outside!

Let them rest for a few minutes so the extra grease drips off onto the paper towels and you're not left with all of it on your shirt. You can at this point just pour the sauce over them and serve or pair them with some type of bread. Heck if you really want to go the distance take a bunch of these put them in your casserole dish cover them with mashed potatoes and you have a special shepherd's pie.
However you decide to enjoy them, I hope yours are perfect <3
Thank you for reading -Ginn

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