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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Xmas + Hell Pizza!

For Xmas this year I made corn pudding which is something my grandmother made and then my mother for many years. 

You may ask... Where is the meat?
Well this is all we had for Xmas dinner we had steak last night but wanted to have something a bit festive for tonight. And as I always do I have eaten 3 bowls of it and my tummy is like what are you doing?!

We had a festive meat dinner when we went out to Smith & McKenzie a few days ago.

Hell Pizza Review!
I have made no secret of the fact that I LOVE hell pizza here in New Zealand. 
They deliver gourmet pizza, pasta, sides and desserts.
I love everything I have gotten other then the butter chicken pasta.
The spirit pasta is nail on the head perfect. It's Bacon garlic cream sauce pasta and chicken...
I tend to make my own pizza with the creator mode rather then pick a pre-made one. On my pizza I get pepperoni, mushrooms, garlic, and Cajun seasoning. (Yes you can even pick herbs and spices for your pizza!)
I love the BBQ spare ribs. I will note it says spicy ribs. If you are from the USA and you are thinking Texas style hot you're dead wrong. It's more like old folks home spicy. It's there but nothing really to write home about. Really really good even if it's not mouth on fire hot.

They have prawn horns that are just shrimp wrapped in a spiced wanton wrapper and fried up nice and crisp. You have a choice of dip with these. I always get the garlic mayo cause it's so damn good. Another item on the sides menu is their Cajun wedges, also YUMMY with the garlic mayo or without.
They have something I have not seen anywhere else. Crumbled Camembert cheese. You all know the Mozzarella sticks they have at every Italian restruant in the US? Well it's like that but with Camembert cheese, I tend to get it with the cranberry sauce.
Hell has some amazing dessert pizzas.

Temptation Dessert Pizza
Apple, Cinnamon, Apricot, Berries, Crumble topping and Custard

Unearthly Dessert Pizza
Banana, Berries, Chocolate, White Chocolate and Custard

White chocolate Cheesecake (My boyfriend's favourite)
White chocolate and Kahlua Cheesecake with a Gingerbread crust.
Blood Cherry Chocolate mousse (My favourite)
This is a fantastic Dessert! dark rich chocolate cake in the middle of a layer of a tart cherry jelly and fluffy creamy chocolate mousse. 
YUMMY... have a picture.

Monday, December 20, 2010

When it rains...

It's been raining here a lot this week and its been humid as heck. It kind of reminds me of summer in FL. 90 degrees one moment thunder and lightning the next. Well anyway it means we haven't been doing much other then playing with the babies and staying inside. We did go to Smith & Mckenzie again and some really drunk jolly guy ran off with my prime rib as a joke then brought it back. It did worry me I was not let in on the fact that it was a joke. We also saw Tron which was okay for me it has no childhood meanings or nostalgia. Malcolm loved the movie as it has many memories and nostalgia attached.
I feel time going by me and it is unsettling. We want to go to the beach again but with my foot the way it is I still can't do that. We were talking about going to a place that has a prawn farm.... Mmmm yum.
Really thinking about seeing if I can get a work visa and stay here for awhile. I don't want to leave. Even with the crazy drunk people next door this place still feels like home to me. Even if it is hot and sticky >_>.

Finally I have a review of Dominos pizza NZ.   -_-'
The website is pushy as heck every time you refresh or go to another page it puts a popup asking you to buy something else. (like they normally do for ONE thing right before you checkout)  They brought me the TOTALLY wrong order. I called them and they said that I got what I Ordered and to shove it. Fancy that they didn't give me a recipt but offered to print me up one and send me a whole new order if I paid for it... Oh you mean if I place another order you will bring it to me?! Fantastic I had no idea! (the sarcasm oozing out my eyeballs) The delivery boy was a grumpy thing and yelled about how busy he was and how much he hated his job while giving us the pizza. All around I say stay clear of Dominos Pizza in NZ and go with Hell pizza cause they are amazing. Review for that soon.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Things to Come + Mini Rant

So I plan on doing full reviews on "The strata cafe"  "Good World Takeaway" and a few other things but today is not the day.
Today I have a bit of a mini rant.
I have an issue with the medical industry. The issue I have is they liberally use the term "tasteless" to describe something that is "no flavour added" these are two very different things. If something is naturally flavoured like crap they tend to say that it is "tasteless".
It's a lot like how they say "just a little pinch" before injecting what amounts to liquid fire in your veins...
I just wish they would be honest. If it is going to hurt tell me so I can prepare myself. If it tastes like roasted poop tell me and I will prepare myself for it. 
After the surgery on my foot the other day they have me on antibiotics that are "tasteless". Since you want to gag every time you open the bottle and the taste is about 10 times worse I think of that as a bit of false advertising. The fact that I can't eat with it is a problem because it tastes so foul alone about the only way to choke it down is to have a bite of something after. -_-' At any rate I have managed to take this poo-tasteing pill for several days now and I have some yet to go. I just decided that I HAD to share my thought here.

I was going to post pictures of the cute babies but they are sleeping and I don't want to wake them.

I do have a bit of a mini review of a product I found by pure chance at the super market...
(Photo below is) Darrell Lea's Batch #37. 
It's like no other liquorice I have ever had it's super soft and smooth. It really is like fresh off the tray.  I like liquorice mind you some people hate it. If it's not your thing don't worry about it. If you love the stuff look into it! 

Sorry for the crap grammar and spelling I'm half asleep but I wanted to post something for you guys.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fuzzy Babies! Lone+Star

Much has happened here since I last posted. I'm sorry for not posting. I will explain...
Yesterday I went in for surgery on my foot. It's all fixed now and my toe is all wrapped up like a marshmallow. I will spare you the yuck details.

Before that Malcolm and I gave in and bought some apartment friendly pets.
 ! Meet Lone and Star !
 The Babies.

This is Star.
 She is super sweet really loves to snuggle and is obsessed with avocado. She's almost all this grey-tan colour and her belly has a white patch. Star is the more cuddly one of the two and is really into being held and running around. She's very sharp. She learns very fast and loves to undo anything you think you have managed to do. We set up a water bowl for them to bathe in and they promptly tip it over no matter what we try to do to secure it.

This is Lone.
Lone is more shy than star. She is grey/tan on her head and has a stripe of the colour down her back. The rest of her is white. She loves puzzles and is far more into food than Star. She is the first to grab the yummy treats we put in the cage for them. When I take them out to play Lone is always busy running around and exploring. She's a jumper so you gotta watch her or you will end up spending hours playing find the baby. (Like we did this morning)
We love them so much they both fill us with joy.

Now for some cake?
Last year Malcolm bought me a cake for my birthday from a local bakery. It was the most rich and amazing chocolate cake I had ever had. (and I have had many) I'm not a chocoholic mind you but I do like my chocolate from time to time.
If the picture didn't get your attention I will add they also make a really amazing cheeseburger. It's super yummy! It's more then just ground meat. They put spices in it and cover it in caramelised onions then cheese and YUM! I will warn you to stay clear of some of the food in the display cases other then the cakes and such. They aren't yuck as such but they are not impressive. If I had not gotten the burger and the cake and I had just gotten the stuff from the case this review would be much different.

REVIEW: Burger Fuel
I said in my last post that I would review a place called Burger Fuel. Well here it is and the fact that I am eating it again while writing this should tell you a little about what I thought. Burger Fuel is a Gourmet burger place and I mean that exactly. They have avocado spread which is nothing but avocado mushed into a yummy paste and put on your already 1/3 pound burger. I special ordered mine but they do have a lovely list of special burgers on the menu. It's just a burger joint if you take it at face value, but what is inside is pure goodness. They do have a website and are apparently looking to open up shop in the USA. (PASADENA PLEASE!!!) I'm sorry I do not have photographs of this... >_> I kinda ate it before I thought about taking photos.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hamilton Goes Wi-fi + Stuff!

Yesterday Hamilton's "Garden Place" in the centre of the city put out their free wi-fi that they say should soon extend to the rest of Hamilton. It was a really cool event with the most massive Christmas Tree  I have ever seen. I don't think there is any way for me to get a photograph of the whole thing but I will try for you guys real soon! The event had a raido station local here to Hamilton called More FM. There were also members of city council who paid for all this wi-fi goodness, several of whom I shook hands with. Oozing with charisma, they welcomed me to the city. They gave away an iPhone and despite already having one both my boyfriend and I decided to go and try our luck. The girl who won was a kick ass punk chick who didn't even have a cellphone to begin with so I'm extremely happy she won. You could just see the "OMG" look on her face as she stood there actually having WON a contest like this.
While we were sitting at the table waiting for the winner to be called someone walked over to us and said "This may be a bit stalkerish of me, but are you Malcolm (pointing at my boyfriend) and are you Ginn?"
Yes we both said slightly puzzled then it hit us he's a local dude who we randomly friended on FourSquare!
If you don't know what that is it's an iPhone app used to check into the places you go. Anyplace! Food, Doctor, Parks, pretty much anything you can check into it if you are there and if it's not listed you can add it!
He was super cool and we hung out with him for the rest of the contest.(Shoutout to Bradley)
At the end we asked him where we could eat and he said to check out Burgerfuel. I did and will review later!

The contest happened to be next to a place that does body piercing and sells pretty sweet clothes and jewellery. Before the contest started I figured I would get my upper ear pierced.  (because life decisions like that should always be made on a what the hell why not basis) O_o  
I'm notorius for doing oddball things like dyeing my hair blue when I was 11. But hey if the worst I ever did in my life was make my hair a funny colour then I did pretty good right? As you can see from my photos I still dye my hair crazy colours but less for the teenage rage and more just simply because it's who I am.

Garden place is a lovely spot to grab some food lots of little shops including Hamilton's Duty free shop. If you are from over seas you can go in and pre order things from duty free and have then just show up for you when you get on your airplane. The shop has all kinds of cool New Zealand gift ideas as well as more high end stuff including super expensive booze and cosmetics.

We came home totally exhausted and flopped down to sleep. We woke up at midnight and I went to brush my teeth. When I looked at the window sill I had to pause... There was a little bird "toy" in between a thing of hand soap and a thing of  lotion.  "WOW! This looks so real I didn't know Malcolm had any models like this."  
A moment later I decided it looked way too real and nudged it with a comb. Nothing happened so I nudged it again. This time it flapped its wings and I totally freaked. It was so cute a fledgeling blackbird had apparently come in the bathroom vent and just decided to chill. I picked it up and kissed it as I exclaimed to Malcolm "THERE IS A BIRD IN HERE" he helped me get the door open so I could let the adorable little thing go. It did. It flew straight into the tree and chirped once like it was thanking us for setting it free.
If the hint has not gotten across I love animals. At home in Cali I have 2 cats Cherry and Bubbles, a huge dog Sheba and a bunny named Toasty.  This little bird really made me happy> For a moment I forgot about all the fuzzy things I left at home.

Also it appears I lied before about the pumpkin pie. We did not make "pie" we made pumpkin pudding. And there was one serving left I did manage to photograph for you guys. Frankly I think the pudding is nicer because it seems every time I have "pie" the last bite has burnt crust and it ruins the whole thing for me.

That's everything I had to post today, thank's for reading.