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Friday, December 3, 2010

Hamilton Goes Wi-fi + Stuff!

Yesterday Hamilton's "Garden Place" in the centre of the city put out their free wi-fi that they say should soon extend to the rest of Hamilton. It was a really cool event with the most massive Christmas Tree  I have ever seen. I don't think there is any way for me to get a photograph of the whole thing but I will try for you guys real soon! The event had a raido station local here to Hamilton called More FM. There were also members of city council who paid for all this wi-fi goodness, several of whom I shook hands with. Oozing with charisma, they welcomed me to the city. They gave away an iPhone and despite already having one both my boyfriend and I decided to go and try our luck. The girl who won was a kick ass punk chick who didn't even have a cellphone to begin with so I'm extremely happy she won. You could just see the "OMG" look on her face as she stood there actually having WON a contest like this.
While we were sitting at the table waiting for the winner to be called someone walked over to us and said "This may be a bit stalkerish of me, but are you Malcolm (pointing at my boyfriend) and are you Ginn?"
Yes we both said slightly puzzled then it hit us he's a local dude who we randomly friended on FourSquare!
If you don't know what that is it's an iPhone app used to check into the places you go. Anyplace! Food, Doctor, Parks, pretty much anything you can check into it if you are there and if it's not listed you can add it!
He was super cool and we hung out with him for the rest of the contest.(Shoutout to Bradley)
At the end we asked him where we could eat and he said to check out Burgerfuel. I did and will review later!

The contest happened to be next to a place that does body piercing and sells pretty sweet clothes and jewellery. Before the contest started I figured I would get my upper ear pierced.  (because life decisions like that should always be made on a what the hell why not basis) O_o  
I'm notorius for doing oddball things like dyeing my hair blue when I was 11. But hey if the worst I ever did in my life was make my hair a funny colour then I did pretty good right? As you can see from my photos I still dye my hair crazy colours but less for the teenage rage and more just simply because it's who I am.

Garden place is a lovely spot to grab some food lots of little shops including Hamilton's Duty free shop. If you are from over seas you can go in and pre order things from duty free and have then just show up for you when you get on your airplane. The shop has all kinds of cool New Zealand gift ideas as well as more high end stuff including super expensive booze and cosmetics.

We came home totally exhausted and flopped down to sleep. We woke up at midnight and I went to brush my teeth. When I looked at the window sill I had to pause... There was a little bird "toy" in between a thing of hand soap and a thing of  lotion.  "WOW! This looks so real I didn't know Malcolm had any models like this."  
A moment later I decided it looked way too real and nudged it with a comb. Nothing happened so I nudged it again. This time it flapped its wings and I totally freaked. It was so cute a fledgeling blackbird had apparently come in the bathroom vent and just decided to chill. I picked it up and kissed it as I exclaimed to Malcolm "THERE IS A BIRD IN HERE" he helped me get the door open so I could let the adorable little thing go. It did. It flew straight into the tree and chirped once like it was thanking us for setting it free.
If the hint has not gotten across I love animals. At home in Cali I have 2 cats Cherry and Bubbles, a huge dog Sheba and a bunny named Toasty.  This little bird really made me happy> For a moment I forgot about all the fuzzy things I left at home.

Also it appears I lied before about the pumpkin pie. We did not make "pie" we made pumpkin pudding. And there was one serving left I did manage to photograph for you guys. Frankly I think the pudding is nicer because it seems every time I have "pie" the last bite has burnt crust and it ruins the whole thing for me.

That's everything I had to post today, thank's for reading.

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