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Monday, December 20, 2010

When it rains...

It's been raining here a lot this week and its been humid as heck. It kind of reminds me of summer in FL. 90 degrees one moment thunder and lightning the next. Well anyway it means we haven't been doing much other then playing with the babies and staying inside. We did go to Smith & Mckenzie again and some really drunk jolly guy ran off with my prime rib as a joke then brought it back. It did worry me I was not let in on the fact that it was a joke. We also saw Tron which was okay for me it has no childhood meanings or nostalgia. Malcolm loved the movie as it has many memories and nostalgia attached.
I feel time going by me and it is unsettling. We want to go to the beach again but with my foot the way it is I still can't do that. We were talking about going to a place that has a prawn farm.... Mmmm yum.
Really thinking about seeing if I can get a work visa and stay here for awhile. I don't want to leave. Even with the crazy drunk people next door this place still feels like home to me. Even if it is hot and sticky >_>.

Finally I have a review of Dominos pizza NZ.   -_-'
The website is pushy as heck every time you refresh or go to another page it puts a popup asking you to buy something else. (like they normally do for ONE thing right before you checkout)  They brought me the TOTALLY wrong order. I called them and they said that I got what I Ordered and to shove it. Fancy that they didn't give me a recipt but offered to print me up one and send me a whole new order if I paid for it... Oh you mean if I place another order you will bring it to me?! Fantastic I had no idea! (the sarcasm oozing out my eyeballs) The delivery boy was a grumpy thing and yelled about how busy he was and how much he hated his job while giving us the pizza. All around I say stay clear of Dominos Pizza in NZ and go with Hell pizza cause they are amazing. Review for that soon.

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