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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fuzzy Babies! Lone+Star

Much has happened here since I last posted. I'm sorry for not posting. I will explain...
Yesterday I went in for surgery on my foot. It's all fixed now and my toe is all wrapped up like a marshmallow. I will spare you the yuck details.

Before that Malcolm and I gave in and bought some apartment friendly pets.
 ! Meet Lone and Star !
 The Babies.

This is Star.
 She is super sweet really loves to snuggle and is obsessed with avocado. She's almost all this grey-tan colour and her belly has a white patch. Star is the more cuddly one of the two and is really into being held and running around. She's very sharp. She learns very fast and loves to undo anything you think you have managed to do. We set up a water bowl for them to bathe in and they promptly tip it over no matter what we try to do to secure it.

This is Lone.
Lone is more shy than star. She is grey/tan on her head and has a stripe of the colour down her back. The rest of her is white. She loves puzzles and is far more into food than Star. She is the first to grab the yummy treats we put in the cage for them. When I take them out to play Lone is always busy running around and exploring. She's a jumper so you gotta watch her or you will end up spending hours playing find the baby. (Like we did this morning)
We love them so much they both fill us with joy.

Now for some cake?
Last year Malcolm bought me a cake for my birthday from a local bakery. It was the most rich and amazing chocolate cake I had ever had. (and I have had many) I'm not a chocoholic mind you but I do like my chocolate from time to time.
If the picture didn't get your attention I will add they also make a really amazing cheeseburger. It's super yummy! It's more then just ground meat. They put spices in it and cover it in caramelised onions then cheese and YUM! I will warn you to stay clear of some of the food in the display cases other then the cakes and such. They aren't yuck as such but they are not impressive. If I had not gotten the burger and the cake and I had just gotten the stuff from the case this review would be much different.

REVIEW: Burger Fuel
I said in my last post that I would review a place called Burger Fuel. Well here it is and the fact that I am eating it again while writing this should tell you a little about what I thought. Burger Fuel is a Gourmet burger place and I mean that exactly. They have avocado spread which is nothing but avocado mushed into a yummy paste and put on your already 1/3 pound burger. I special ordered mine but they do have a lovely list of special burgers on the menu. It's just a burger joint if you take it at face value, but what is inside is pure goodness. They do have a website and are apparently looking to open up shop in the USA. (PASADENA PLEASE!!!) I'm sorry I do not have photographs of this... >_> I kinda ate it before I thought about taking photos.

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